The subjects for the Syllabus taught in any decent GPSC Institute would cover the basis for Indian governance focusing a bit more on Gujarat:
• Languages: English and Gujarati language comprehension. Questions like fill in the blanks, active-passive voice, jumbled sentences and comprehension might be asked.
• The political, social and geographical structure of the Indian sub-continent, including various regional art forms and their note-worthy features. With special emphasis on Gujarat.
• The historical facts that led to the current structure of the Indian Government: Pre-British India, the struggle for our independence, post independence consolidation and restructuring of the governing bodies and modern events of significance including personalities that played a defining role in them.
• There are subjects relating to the situation of the current Indian society and problems relating to it: Most pressing social issues, economic development, disaster management, security, international relations and other topics.
• Lastly, there will be some basic knowledge about the world: History, geography, science and technology, etc.
The GPSC Syllabus consists of broad topics and is difficult to cover without proper guidance. You might get lost in the vastness of the syllabus without proper direction. To cover everything properly, you need to join a GPSC Institute along with the necessary homework that you can do.
L K Academy has one of the most experienced teachers in Rajkot that can guide you through these subjects easily, helping you cover the majority of the portion in a very effective and time-efficient manner.
If you have any question, visit our institute today and we will help you understand the GPSC exams and how to prepare for them.